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Friday, July 24, 2009

Obama, the drugmakers, profit and ‘reform’

Who's benefiting from Obama's health-care "reform"? My column digs into that question.

The homepage of warned Tuesday, “For those who fight reform in order to profit financially or politically from the status quo, the president sends a simple message: ‘Not this time.’”

But what about those who lobby in favor of “reform” in order to profit financially from new subsidies, mandates and regulations? Seemingly, the president says, “You’re in luck!”

The pharmaceutical industry, which gave $3.58 to Obama for every $1 to Sen. John McCain in last year’s presidential race, according to the Center for Responsive Politics, has spent more on lobbying in the Obama era — $78 million so far this year — than any other industry.

Read the whole thing here.

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